Independent Creative Producer

LIST (under construction)

luciana achugar

The Walker

Fusebox Festival

New York Live Arts

The Pleasure Project

Le Mouvement- Bien/Biel, Switzerland

Pier 42 and Lower manhattan Cultural Council- New York, NY

church...An Epilogue for OTRO TEATRO

American Realness 2015- New York, NY

Gibeny Dance & American Realness 20XX


The Chocolate Factory Theater

kimberly bartosik/daela

You Are My Heat and Glare

New York Live Arts

exteriority 3


Live Artery

ivy baldwin dance

Keen [ no. 2]

Abron Art Center with The Chocolate Factory Theater and The Joyce- New York, NY*

*productoin support from Chashama

XXX Arts Summer Camp- Long Island, NY

Keen (part 1)

The Phiip Johnson Glass House- XX CT

Brooklyn Academy of Music- Brooklyn NY

American Dance Institute- Washington DC

Gibney In The Works

Developmental residencies: Mount Tremper Arts, MASS MoCA

roseanne spradlin


New York Live Arts- New York, NY

david neumann/ advance beginner group

I Understand Everything Better

Abrons Art Center with The Chocolate Factory Theater

American Dance Institute- Washington DC

The Chocolate Factory Theater with PS122's Coil Festival 

Fusebox Festival- Austin, TX

XXXX- Lincoln NE

The Ringling Museum- Sarasota, FL

Developmental residencies at : MASS MoCA, Barisnyikov Arts Center, MANCC, Abrons Art Center, The Chocolate Factory Theater, SETI Institute, BANF

emily johnson/ catalyst

Northrup University- Minneapolis MN

New York Live Arts- New York, NY

Bunel Arts Center- Homer, AL

On the Boards- Seattle, WA

Artshouse, Melbourne and Yiirimboi

Developmental residencies at: PuSH Festival (Vancouver, BC), XX (Sydney, AU), MANCC (Sarasota,FL), Northrop University (Minneapolis, MN); Artshouse (Melbourne, AU)

PS122's Coil Festival

LA Performance Project

Then a Cunning Voice and a Night we Spent Gazing At Stars
PS122/Performance Space NY & Randals Island Park

The Wassaic project and Williams Collage

City of Chicago

Artshouse, Melbourne

Developmental support: Williams College and Mellon Foundation, MASS MoCA, City Of Chicago public Programs, Artshouse Melbourne TimeSpacePlace residency program.